We aim for these resources to provide valuable information for both parents and therapists alike! Drawing from my own experiences as a Pediatric Physical Therapist, I've developed handouts and courses that I believe would have greatly benefited me earlier in my career.

Through years of practice, I've crafted educational materials that I find advantageous for both parents and their little ones.

38-Minute Digital Course / Video

This Motor Skills Essentials Course will cover prone lying, rolling and floor sitting (for parents and therapists).

6-Page Visual & Instructional PDF

This Torticollis 101 handout includes activities including: Positioning, Stretching, Tummy Time, and Head Righting / Strengthening.

12-Page Visual & Instructional PDF

Toe Walking 101 is for parents and therapists complete with pictures, activities, and helpful tips (and very easy to digest)!