Each Step of Your Child’s Journey:

60-Min PT Evaluation

Pediatric Physical Therapy Evaluations will be in person typically for 60 minutes. A written report will follow with recommendations for a plan of care, goals and initial home activities customized to your child’s needs.

60-Min DMI PT Session

Ensure your child's readiness for Physical Therapy with a pre-session evaluation. Weekly therapy sessions, tailored to your child's needs, follow the evaluation. Experience intensive, personalized PT over 1-3 weeks, with at least 2 daily sessions lasting 55-60 minutes each. Our approach incorporates DMI therapy and additional tools like Sensory Integration, Hypervibe, TMR positional release stretching, TASES, and Theratogs as needed. Contact us for pricing and scheduling, with the evaluation included in the total cost.

Visit dmitherapy.com to learn about DMI, its sessions, and focus areas. I am Level C trained in DMI!

Explore electricstimulationeducation.com for TASES info, and Theratogs.com and Hypervibe.com for more on these tools.


45-Min Therapist Consult

A Therapist Consult is a 45-minute call that can be conducted via Zoom or phone. Meeting can include any questions or support requested for business or treatment strategies. I have experience on the small business end of starting a new PT practice using an insurance model and am now private pay. I appreciated the mentoring I received from other therapists that had paved the way for their own practice; I would love to share what I’ve learned!

Please email me at judy@freetomoveandplay.com to schedule!